Sable female reserved “Mable” is joining a Hunter Vale two year old male named Pip in NY with Greg Bailen And “Milo” who is joining a Corgi sister at home with Audrey in CT
Male fawn/red below is reserved by the Vogel family from PA
Below red female reserved by Vicki & Ryan of Brewerton, NY
Below red/sable female is reserved by Jeffrey and Elizabeth from Lancaster
“Francesca” is reserved by Casey of Burlington, VT below
“Cleo” is joining her family in Baldwinsville, NY. We are forever grateful that her family gave the best most loving home to Hunter Vale’s “Gino”
Robin & JJ Johnson of Upper Marlboro, MD have given “Walter” the best home. Robin is a longtime friend and fellow hunter/jumper trainer.
Sheila Burke Reynolds, former United States Equestrian Team member and her father Dan Burke of Elmira, NY have adopted wonderful Benedict
Colin is a lucky boy, he is joining his new family, Miranda and David of Cape Cod, MA
Caitlin McCall of New Jersey has added this sweet baby girl to her family.
Kyle Lawler of Watertown, NY will be giving Eloise (above) a home with his wife and kids. Kyle purchased a male Corgi from Hunter Vale many years ago
“Anthony” above Lola’s red male will be joining Sidney and Goose – both Hunter Vale Corgis who have the best owners. See them at Sidneythecorgi is on instagram. He will be living in Arizona.
“Kate” is reserved by Brittany and her husband of Brooklyn, NY
“Stella” is reserved by Sheri and John of Danbury, CT
Cookie’s female reserved by Judy of Ithaca, NY
“Archibald” reserved by Molly S. of Delhi, NYabove
Cookie’s sable male aboveready June 9reserved by Anna Lagrangeville, NY dp“Luca”
Margot female 2 above “Cabot” reserved by Kye and Jeff from Burlington, Vermont dp
Dottie sable female 2ready June 15 “Olivia” reserved by the Fleming family and their Corgi, Reh dpbelow
Dottie red female “Pandora” reserved by Karen from CTbelow dp below
Lola’s sable female 3 ready June 23above reserved by Missy from Binghamtonbelow dp
Holly’s female above ready May 28 reserved by Martha of Kingston, NY
Holly’s fawn male reserved by Russell and Ward of New York “Charlie”above
Margot red female 1 aboveready June 15“Dolly” reserved by Jessie and Lukas dp
Margot sable male puppy 1 aboveready June 15 reserved by Anna from Brooklyn dp
Holly’sred/fawn male above ready May 28reserved by Ed and Rachel, Boston, MA